Tamaghno ChaudhuriMaslow’s Theory of Human Needs : Basic tool for motivationHunger, thirst, security, friendship, respect and being all that you can be are just some of the things that motivate us to take action…Mar 3, 2021Mar 3, 2021
Tamaghno ChaudhuriA Report on the lives of KukrahatiThis January I had the opportunity of visiting the rural area of Kukrahati. A small village by the banks of Ganges, close to Haldia and a…Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
Tamaghno ChaudhuriA student’s perception about Google & peeping inside “The Filter Bubble” :In 2013, the Edge magazine interviewed several people known for their intellectual contributions, asking them this question: “What should…Mar 30, 2020Mar 30, 2020